App Now Available

Our hard work has finally produced the end result of our Autism-Visuals App.

None of this is possible without your continued support! Thank You!

We are 100% Donation Supported! Please continue to Support us by making Donations Online or through our other Autism-Awareness Resources!

Download the App Below
(iOS Devices Only Currently) for just 99 Cents!

Please consider a Donation as we hope to release the Android Version soon!

Jeremiah THENJeremiah

Jeremiah NOW

Jeremiah 2020

Never Give Up! was founded by Matthew & Rachele Brownfield, who have an Autistic son, Jeremiah. Jeremiah was diagnosed days before his 3rd Birthday.  This led the Brownfield’s on a journey to find the Resources, the tools, and the encouragement they needed to help their son!  Prior to utilizing Visual-Aids with the PECS system–Jeremiah was completely Non-Verbal until age 5.

After attending Autism Conferences as well as Autism Parent Education classes, PECS Training and Classes, and TEACCH Training and Classes, a tremendous need for these Resources was realized, and a centralized location for Parents, Educators, and others in the Community to find them was needed!  This gave birth to Autism-Visuals!  

We hope that iVisuals App will allow parents, caregivers, educators, and anyone who works with our children with Autism to assist them even more in learning to communicate and assisting them with everyday activities!